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Make Your Website Stand Out From The Others


Great websites do stand out from others. These website are easily found, build trust, and make it easy for visitors to discover what they’re looking for, so they can take the next step.

A great website is not about just creating a beautiful design, but about creating a device to convert first time visitors into first time customers. A well-conceived website should move a visitor to take the next step, so they eventually become a buyer of the product or services. So, key to an effective website are the right CTAs (Calls To Action). On the home page of our website, we invite visitors to “Test drive some of our free resources. Then call us at 262.633.7772.”

Here are a few other ways we could motivate site visitors to action:

  • Let us take the confusion out of digital marketing. Call us.
  • Let us toot your horn for you. Call to find out how well we’ll do that.

Most business websites do not live up to their potential. Many are not seen by the right people. And when folks do visit the site, the majority of visitors leave quickly without finding what they want. The owners of such sites are normally clueless about why the site isn’t generating the results they hoped for when they launched the site. In fact, without clear goals for site performance, looking at site metrics is meaningless. Measuring analytics against site goals will  drive making the right improvements to your site. Without data driven changes, the site becomes stagnant and provides minimal return on investment.

Website metrics guide changes.

Done well, this approach leads to increased revenue and generates more sales leads. That’s the proper return on your investment (ROI). The process will create a strategy for both online and offline marketing to target customers you plan to reach.

Another key characteristic of a great website is that it should be the centerpiece of a total web presence. The site should be the hub of your digital marketing effort. Visitors are pushed to it as a result of other marketing efforts (ads, PR, social media, even email marketing campaigns). Once built, a website should be proactively maintained to stay relevant, so people continue to visit. The secret is to deliver the information your customers need wherever they are in the buyer’s journey. Create Calls To Action (CTAs)  that match where the buyer is in the decision process.

Here at Corporate images, we create/redesign hard working websites that actually generate more sales for you. And we orchestrate a plan using carefully chosen digital tools (social media, LinkedIn, email platforms) that will send traffic to your site, so it produces the results you want and need. Recently, we created a website and social media package for a new art form startup company called Shattered Glass Art. Check out the site and while there, see how the social media links not only build awareness but make the art purchase easy.

No matter the size of the website we create, we follow a formal process that considers what you need the site to do (goals and objectives) and makes sure the site delivers on those goals. At a minimum, the site will aid sales. Because of this planful process, your website will give you a positive return on your investment.

If you aren’t satisfied with the performance of your website, but aren’t sure what to do about it, we can help. Call our office at 262.633.7772 to request a no-obligation review or fill out our contact form.

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Alan Bagg, President, Corporate Images

Alan’s business solutions focus has consistently earned his clients increased sales, profit growth, and a stronger brand. Reach him at 262-633-7772 or email him at